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How to give

Let's give the water


The NGO Eau Sauve aspires toestablish partnerships with states in order to work together to resolve problems related to access to water.

When we start in a developing country, we establishstrong relationships with local government, seeking support from higher authorities and proactive cooperation with relevant ministries.

Relations with local government

Creation of
the local NGO Eau Sauve

Once political relationships have been established and the State's desire for cooperation has been confirmed, we create our local NGO Eau Sauve in collaboration with influential and committed local figures, apolitical and passionate about our project. It is essential to emphasize that the local NGO Eau Sauve is above allan organization run by community members, for the community. It operates in close coordination with our international oversight, ensuring effective synergy between local and global efforts to achieve our humanitarian objectives.

Quality engineering

Our engineers, multidisciplinary experts in hydrogeology, chemistry, engineering, civil engineering, electricity and plumbing, play a key role in achieving our mission of providing access to drinking water in disadvantaged communities around the world.

The NGO Eau Sauve recruits local staff with the necessary skills. Each new arrival benefits from in-depth training to ensure complete transfer of know-how from our team of engineers to the local team of the NGO Eau Sauve. This approach ensures that each team member is prepared to contribute effectively to our water projects.


Let's take a close look at how we ensure the supply of clean water. 

Our hydrogeologists are dedicated to the study of water present in the soil. Through their scientific expertise and the use of cutting-edge technology, they precisely identify the locations and depths needed to drill to access the water table. Then, our engineers ensure that the drilling is carried out adequately by drillers, thus minimizing the risks of water contamination and preserving the integrity of the water table.

Drinking water collection

Then we install submersible pumps, powered by solar panels carefully positioned in a secure location. 

Once drawn from the water table, the water is piped to an elevated reservoir, using gravity to facilitate its distribution. After leaving the tank,the water is subjected to rigorous treatment to guarantee its drinkability. Before being distributed, the water flow is continuously measured, and this data is transmitted in real time via satellite internet to our offices, ensuring a reliable supply.

After treatment and flow measurement, the water is distributed to the villages through standpipes equipped with secure taps. These standpipes are strategically installed to ensure easy and convenient access to drinking water for local residents.Our facilities are generally designed to serve between two thousand and five thousand people, aimed at meeting the specific needs of each community.

Distribution of water to the population

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