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Creation of factories
Water Saves SRL, a Belgian humanitarian trading company, identifies high-quality natural water sources in developing countries.
It builds bottling plants near springs and markets mineral water under the brand Eau Sauve® for French-speaking countries and Water Saves® for English-speaking countries.

Water from each source is sold locally to the middle class through the local subsidiary. The subsidiary of each country will have its own marketing, advertising and local marketing.
In order to ensure uniform management of all members of the network, Water Saves SRL will coordinate, from Belgium, the management of its subsidiaries. By providing centralized management of the network, Water Saves SRL will ensure the cohesion of the image of the Eau Sauve® and Water Saves® brands.

The feasibility study
In each country where we wish to build a bottling plant, we start with a feasibility study which includes the search for a source, a market study to identify the size of the market, the number of bottles imported, the number of bottles that we think we can sell and the selling price of these bottles.
This allows toconfirm the profitability of the factory and to proceed with the call for investment and construction of the factory.

The quality of the sources
We are looking for sites wherewater emerges naturally from the ground spontaneously, because we recognize that water pumped from the groundwater may not have the same level of quality.
These emerging sources are forr us natural treasures, offering spring water of impeccable quality. This pure water, emerging from the earth as a gift from nature, is consideredthe only true natural mineral water.

Get source
After carrying out a thorough study of the emerging source to understand its capacity, quality and flow rate, we obtainthe necessary authorizationslocal authorities and the government for the exploitation of the source.

Transport (SDG 13)
In the DRC, our source is located 100 m from the Congo River. This allows us to transport our pallets of waterby boat on the Congo River to the center of Kinshasa andreduce the use of polluting road transport.

> Who we are
> Our vision